One of Us Will Change The World, Will Be You?

A Simple Three-step Guide to Change the World

Jose Lohman
6 min readSep 4, 2023

The Story to Understand Everything

Yesterday I was walking near the beach. It had been raining non-stop for the last few days and everything smelled of wet soil. One of those smells that teleports me to many memories.

Although I wasn't very determined, since it was a little cold, I ended up taking a dip in the sea.

Coming out, half shivering and while I dried my face with the T-shirt I was wearing, I watched two girls painting in watercolor. One of them realized that I was looking at them and stared at me. I responded with a smile and she did the same.

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When I left, I passed by their towels and told them that what they had painted was very nice. The girl who had smiled at me answered: “each one does what he can” and I replied: “you always have to try at least, right?”.

We say goodbye with a mutual smile. While I walked away, I looked at her again. She did the same.

For the last time we said goodbye with a smile that understood that maybe we would never see each other again.

You Are the Key to Change Everything

A small act like approaching someone to tell them something positive cures the world of their selfish tyranny, even for a brief moment.

Who knows, maybe because of that comment about her watercolor painting, that girl decides to leave everything and dedicate herself to what she really loves. Perhaps she decides to rethink other aspects of her life. Or maybe nothing will happen and that nice momentary memory of that day on the beach will be forgotten by both of us.

A book that I recommend you — Photo by @monstera_books

Do you remember the movie “Pay It Forward”? Well, I think that every day that leaves the present moment give you an insight of what is happen: people “care less” these days. And our loyal friend, the “ego”, is not a good copilot for this trip called “life”.

Ego drives the current problems the individual in a large scale are facing:

  • Make more whatever — but not to transcend any believe but to gain more prestige.
  • Values look cool in shirts but no ones “wear it” with actions.
  • Choosing a side is definitive, there is no possibility that I was wrong.

“I can’t do anything with my situation, I don’t know where to start, I can’t change the world alone

Really? That’s it?

In this precious moment, whether you want to or not, you are changing the world.

At this very moment, the network of everything that will happen in the future is being affected by your decisions. You are really important and, if you decide to use this power to do always the right thing — or at least try to do it most of the times — , life will take you on challenging paths.

Life is hard, that is sure for every day that you spend in this world. Why make things harder than they are?

And I repeat. You are important, but that doesn’t mean that there are not bigger things than you. One of them you can take as a philosophy of life:

Put others ahead of yourself, always.

Life is balance and always gives back what one gives. And although it seems strange, she always pays with the same currency.

Butterfly Effect

As I left the beach and in front of me, a man was walking at a good pace while looking at the horizon. I realised that his t-shirt had a really cool draw on it.

At the moment I thought about sharing my opinion with him but after several seconds, while I doubted whether to talk to him or not, he had already walked away.

I was worried that if I told him he could answer me in a bad way or not even tell me anything.

And what? Would something bad had happen for telling him that?

Not at all.

I love to ride my motorbike from time to time and, as a good biker that i consider myself I salute every other biker in the road. Some people usually look at me and don't return the waving.

Does it bother me? At the beginning, of course.

Now I laugh.

I try to spread good vibes out there. The world is cold and grey enough and doesn't need any more d*ckheads. But let me reformulate it again.

I'm sure you're thinking: I agree, people on the road turn mad. Well, not always. Some people I greet while I'm on my motorcycle were thinking about something and, even if they were staring at me, they wouldn't be "seeing" me physically.

You may or may not agree with me, but one thing we cannot deny is if you take things in a bad way, in the end, you will end up carrying negative emotions that will not help you continue with your day.

So the next time you get angry on the road with someone, think of me. Life is much better when you assume your responsibility before the inconveniences that appear, because even if you don't deserve them, escaping from them won't make them disappear.

Don’t take things in a bad way.

When you have the opportunity to embrace someone pain you become more human.

Today I went for some groceries and while I was paying I heard a man talking about how sad he was. He said that after his mother's death - just two weeks ago - he no longer sees life the same.

When I went out I saw him walking away and I thought about the opportunity he had lost with the man on the beach.

I didn't think about it for a moment this time and I told him in the distance that if he wanted a hug. The man turned around and as I gave him that hug he burst into tears saying: "I miss her a lot, I don't have her at home anymore. I just feel pain."

What that man needed was not advice but just a little honest attention and empty prejudices.

He thanked me many times and told me that he knew that the pain would pass but now it had to be part of his life for a while.

These are the things we are here for. Above all, don't forget it when you become a great person.

There’s Only Love Left

Godlight — © Lohman Narciso

Take the pain as the reward.

Embrace it until the last day. It is the only sure thing that will accompany you during the rest of your path.

Why do you do the things you do? And please, try to be honest with you here. Make a conversation with your deep thoughts and senses.

And remember:

Put others ahead of yourself, always.

Don’t take things in a bad way.

Take the pain as the reward.

I’ll write to you soon,

Chema Lohman Narciso



Jose Lohman

🧬 Enthusiast of Relationships & Human Behaviour. 📖 Writer — Storyteller